
Lab-grown diamond pendant resale value: factors that impact the second-hand market

While purchasing we all demand a perfectly crafted Lab-grown diamond Pendant that suits our preferences and indulges in a beautiful avatar. We all want our precious jewelry to possess a resale value.

Many factors can dictate the resale value of lab-grown diamond pendants. This information can help someone considering selling their lab-created diamond pendant in the future do so with utmost knowledge.

Mentioning the factors below to keep in mind while selecting or selling the lab-grown diamond pendant that has a resale value.

Market Demand

Resale value is significantly influenced by the desirability of lab-grown diamonds in the secondhand market. The ethical and environmental benefits of lab-grown diamonds have made them a popular choice, but the market is only just beginning to grow. Currently, there is a more established secondary market for natural diamonds, but as consumer demand shifts in favor of lab-grown stones, it severely improves their resale value in the market.

 Brand and Certification

The brand of the pendant and the certification of the lab-grown diamond are key factors in determining resale value. Top-end jewelry brands with a strong reputation will hold higher resale values. Additionally, a certified lab-grown diamond from an accredited gemological institute like the IGI (International Gemological Institute) or GIA (Gemological Institute of America) can boost consumer trust and, consequently, increase the resale value.

Physical condition of Pendant

The state of the pendant, whether physical or not, is paramount to its resale value. A spotlessly maintained pendant will always be sold at a higher price compared to one with signs of wear and tear. Periodic cleaning, safe-keeping during unfavorable conditions, and reducing the use of harsh chemicals will promote the quality of the pendant and its resale value.

 Understanding Value and Awareness

The resale value for lab-grown diamonds is influenced by how much consumers know about them. As more people learn about their benefits and attributes, the resale market is likely to expand. However, because these diamonds are much newer than natural ones, some buyers may still be hesitant, which could impact resale prices.

Original Purchase Price

The original purchase price of the lab grown diamond pendant can provide a starting point for its resale value. Typically, jewelry loses some value when resold, but if you purchased your pendant at a premium due to the brand, specific design, or diamond quality, you might still retain a higher percentage of its original cost.

 Trending Design

The pendant’s design and its trendiness will impact its popularity in resale markets. A more classic design has a better chance of holding its value over time, while highly trendy or niche designs may not attract as many potential buyers, potentially lowering resale value.

 Jewelry store Policy

A few jewelry retailers offer buy-back or upgrade programs for lab-grown diamonds. This greatly affects resale value, as the original retailer may even be willing to buy back your pendant or give you a trade-in. Knowing these policies before purchasing can help you project what your resale might be in the future.

 Quality of the Lab-grown Diamond

The resale value of a lab-grown diamond is also based on the quality defined by cut, clarity, color, and carat weight, commonly referred to as the 4Cs. As a rule of thumb, diamonds with top-tier cut quality and colorless grades are worth more; inspiring fewer inclusions or imperfections. Nevertheless, the quick growth of lab-grown diamond technology might mean cheaper high-quality diamonds on resale in the long run.

Availability of New Lab-grown diamond

The constant influx of new lab-grown diamonds could impact the resale value of secondary market pieces. One of the upsides to lab-grown diamonds is that, because they are born and grown in a controlled environment, there may be more available than natural diamonds. As a result, there are so many lab-created diamonds on the market that it is no longer unusual and they could potentially depreciate in resale value—especially if even newer, more advanced techniques for creating these gems ever make their way to consumers at competitive prices.

We at Emori, assist you with the best solutions and indulge you in a smooth experience by providing the perfect resale value of the lab-grown diamond pendant anytime. If you get bored with the design of your pendant visit us and receive a new trendy design from the immense collection.

Don’t wait and visit Emori for any confusion you possess in mind about lab-grown diamond jewelry.